Tree Restoration

Tree Restoration Program for the Wadsworth Mansion At Long Hill

History of the Estate

In 1900, Col. Wadsworth began creating “Long Hill” . Working with the nationally renowned Olmsted and Sons Landscape Architects, he acquired 500 acres and transformed them into a traditio nal working landscape with pastures, orchards, and forests. The architecture firm of Hoppin and Koen designed the Mansion on par with the “cottages” of Newport, Rhode Island. For over 30 years Long Hill was the country retreat for the Wadsworth family. After the Colonel’s death, a portion of the land was willed to the State of Connecticut for use as a public park (Wadsworth Falls State Park). In 1947, the estate was sold to The Religious of our Lady of the Cenacle, and for nearly forty years the estate was a retreat for
shelter, meditation, and religious instruction. During this era several parcels of land were sold off, and the size of the estate was reduced to its current 103.5 acres. In 1986 the estate was sold to series of developers. As the fortunes of the developers waned, and a bank took ownership, both land and buildings fell into decay, vandalism, and extreme decline. In June of 1994, Long Hill Estate became the property of the City of Middletown. The Mansion and immediate grounds have undergone a complete historic rehabilitation. The Long Hill Estate Authority is responsible for the stewardship of the Estate. The parklands are open to the public daily from sunrise to sunset. The Mansion is open for tours on Wednesdays from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Additionally the Mansion may be rented for weddings, conferences, and other celebrations.

Please Make checks Payable to

Long Hill Estate Authority/Tree Restoration Project
421 Wadsworth Street
Middletown, Connecticut 06457
Phone: 860 347 1064

For more information about this project please contact:
Megan Bush
860 347 1064 x101
[email protected]

A Collaboration of the The City of Middletown Urban Forestry Commission
The Long Hill Estate Authority & The Rockfall Foundation

Tree Restoration Program for the Wadsworth Mansion

Colonel Clarence Wadsworth in consultation with the Olmsted Brothers Landscape Architect Firm spent countless hours designing the major landscape features we currently enjoy at Long Hill Estate. Over time the individual components of these features — the trees themselves -have deteriorated. The Long Hill Estate Authority has begun a program to restore these existing landscape features and to reforest the parklands. The Long Hill Estate Authority through its Parklands Committee will purchase, plant,and maintain the trees. Trees will be numbered and a map showing the location of the tree will be available. A commemorative plaque listing the names of the donors and honored recipients will be on display at the Mansion. The trees will become the property of the estate.Normal tree size available at nurseries is 2 1/2″ caliper. The Long Hill Estate Authority will select the best specimen available at the nursery at the time of planting. All donations to the Long Hill Estate Authority are tax deductible. The Long HillEstate Authority has established the following sponsorship levels:


The Vista

Commencing at the terrace and looking towards Mercy High School is the area Col.Wadsworth named the Vista. Eastern Red Cedars flank the Vista. Over the years these 100 year old trees have been damaged by high winds. Nine trees were lost in
the 2011 snowstorm.

Tree Type:
Eastern Red Cedar $425.00

The Parklands

Originally the landscape was pastureland and orchards. Col. Wadsworth reforested his estate with native trees. Over time harvesting and natural decline have changed the forest. Native trees suitable for and compatible with the existing forest would be replanted.

Tree Types:
American Beech, Maples,
Pin Oaks $500.00

Ornamental Trees

The arrival of spring on the estate is heralded by the flowering of our colorful ornamental trees.

Tree Types:
Dogwoods, Flowering Cherry trees,
Crab Apple trees $500.00

Entrance Allee

The majestic entrance to the estate is lined with maple trees and is in need of complete renovation.

Tree Type:
Red Maple $500.00

White Oak Lane

White Oak Lane is the most significant landscape feature on the Estate. It was the original carriage drive for the Wadsworth family and is framed by the beautiful brownstone walls and great white oaks.

Tree Type:
White Oak $650.00

Specimen Trees

Colonel Wadsworth devoted considerable attention to the ornamental and specimen non-native trees planted on the estate. Our Amur Cork tree is a State Champion Notable Tree. This category would allow the donor in consultation with the Long Hill Estate Authority to plant an outstanding exotic or notable tree.

Tree Type:
To Be Determined $1,000.00